Monday, August 28, 2006

InDecision 2006: Time to Vote!

Hi folks. That time vote for the varietal of your choice. You can review the list here. Russian River Syrah is the early favorite. It tasted well at the Harvest Party [as did our "Bud White"] and is pretty reliable from vineyard to glass. It ain't no Pinot!
Votes will be tabulated based on proportion involvement, which means a case vote is worth a double a half case. As with most elections, money talks.
Vote by sending email to me at : .

Monday, August 07, 2006

InDecision 2006: What wine to make now?

Now that the 2005 RSWC Bud White is in the bottle, [Note to Ivan, Florence/Joe, Evelyn: Annette is holding your wine; Kurt/Dee: Dennis has yours], it is time to set sites on 2006.
  1. If you have not done so already, send a check for either a $165 case or $88 half case. The deadline is Wednesday of next week. We have to settle things with Bacchus by Thursday. Please make checks payable to the RSTC and mail to me at 2102 Harding Avenue, RC, CA 94062.
  2. Attend the upcoming Harvest Party [RSVP to Dennis ( needed by this weekend. I'll contact Bacchus after hearing from everyone] or vote for your top three favorite varietals by this weekend by email to me.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Presenting...The Label

Got Wine? The RSWC Invites You...

The Redwood Shores Wine Club, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RSTC, is accepting new members into its fraternal order of winemakers. We are just finishing up bottling of our 2005 "Bud White" Santa Cruz Mountain Chardonnay/Viognier blend and look forward to determining a wine to make in 2006. We make our wine [and have our winemaking socials] at the Bacchus Winemaking Club, 1697 Industrial Road in San Carlos.

Trained actors portraying RSWC members.

I anyone is interested in the winemaking [and quaffing] process and would like to investigate getting in on the action, contact Dennis Murphy [] or Annette Vernon []. It is a lot of fun, not very hard, and very rewarding.

An investment of about $15 a bottle buys into our small batches [so far we've made 6 cases batches] of wine that you get to oversee from harvested grape to bottle.

Bud White Bottling Monday Night!

Bottling action at an undisclosed location.

Willi's wine bar owner Mark Williamson. For full story on the venerable institution, click here.

Hello again. The bottling of the 2005 RSTC Wine Club's "Bud White", that enticing blend of Santa Cruz Mountains Chardonnay and Viognier, will take place Monday night, August 7th at 8pm. Please RSVP to: or 650-365-5928.

RSVPs so far:
Jay Muzio
Frank R[h]one
Kathy Miles
Annette Vernon
Ivan Quinones
Dennis Murphy

Since the start time is at 8:00 PM, I'm assuming that everyone will be pretty well fed and that we won't need snacks. Why don't we consider bringing wine, waters, snack food to be optional depending on how you feel? See you all there.

Part Two:
If we are to make any wine in the current year, we have to have dues current very soon. This means I would need a check payable to the RSTC and either brought Monday night or mailed to me at 2102 Harding Avenue, RC, CA 94062. A case will be $165 and a half case $88.

Once the finances are secure, we can decide what grapes to order for 2006. Bacchus will have a harvest party on Sunday, August 27th from 1-6pm where you can taste and taste and taste, and eventually decide what varietal of wine you want to make....