Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Whosh! Pow! Blam! It is Almost Bottling Time!

It is said that time waits for no one. And certainly not for us here on the front lines of the DIY wine movement. The 2013 crush of 75% Primitivo and 25% Dominick's Syrah, which we designated "Rick's Red" in honor of original (2004) RSWC founding member Rick Urrutia, has been "barreling" towards a summer (July) bottling.

However, the administration this year has failed to keep up with the wine-making (mea culpa), and the racking schedule has not been very convenient for socializing. In fact, at this late date, we don't know who gets what, so to rectify this situation, here's the handy form link with one multiple-choice question: http://tinyurl.com/RSWC-ricks-red. Please respond as soon as you can and then send a check for the amount you're in for. 

Rick tipping his infamous raccoon top hat.                              


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