Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Label Winner

The votes are in, and the first label option, aka Chaquita, is the winner. Let the bottling begin!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

2014 GSM: A Euphonious Blend or just blowing our own horn?

It soon (Wednesday, July 22nd, 8pm) will be bottling time (look out for the MeetingWizard email), and that means decisions on names and labels. As good Rhone Rangers, we have followed a minor tradition the past few years of assigning names based on synonyms for blending like Harmonia, Concordia, Rapport, etc. Apparently the interwebs claim to have many years worth of synonyms. This year's model is Euphony, defined as "the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination." 

An interesting and on-wine-point example of euphony is expressed in the romantic-era poetry of John Keats, in his Ode to Autumn...

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch -eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,

So unless, there's paramount objections and substantially better ideas, let's go with Keatsian Euphony and get on with label graphics. I fooled around with four looks and email all or just me with your preference. Be sure to refer to them by the names below each screen shot in dark blue. Here they are:




Blue Lady


Saturday, September 27, 2014

We Came, We Saw, We Crushed: 2014 GSM

Good to see everyone at the 2014 GSM Crush. It turns out we'll be building upon the success of the famous 2011 GSM, since attempts to get extra fancy with a little California Cinsault or Counoise failed the provisioning test. It was only a short time ago the Mourvedre was considered According to Frank's analysis, "calculations based on the measurement lines, albeit roughly judgement calls based on the lines," we produced a mathemeatical wonder:
  • 38.9% Mourvèdre
  • 30.55% Grenache
  • 30.55% Syrah
As he says, "Pretty close to spec!"

Soon after Crush comes Press, when we juice the pulpy stew-on-lees and get in in the barrel. The target date for Press (a much cleaner event than Press) is Thursday, October 9th at 6pm, although that may be pushed back a bit (perhaps Monday the 13th) as this year's grapes seem to be benefitting from the sitting time before pressing.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2014 Wine Time: Grapes are ripening...& kickstarting a Swerl

Hello all.

Yes, it is that time again. Recent reports are for an early grape harvest, and Bacchus is asking us to figure out our 2014 wine plans by end of this week. We had a few intrepid chroniclers (Frank, Charmaine, Chris & Vangie) at the recent barrel tasting/grape ordering event. Comments from Frank & Chris below. 

Homework Assignment: Please weigh in on the 2014 plans, even if to second one (or all) of the suggestions, by reply email.
Frank's comments: Of the wines I tasted, the ones I would suggest to the club (i.e., not too much $) were: 
  • Super Tuscan of 64% Sangiovese, 24% Cab, 8% Sarah and 2% Primitivo 
  • GSM of approximately equal G & S, and slightly more Mourvedre (about 34-35% if I remember correctly) 
I checked with Dominic and he said he could get the Mourv though it wasn't on the price list

I'm partial to the second since the last GSM we did turned out so tasty, but it has been awhile since we made our Super (Bowl) Tuscan.
Chris concurred: I agree with Frank. Both our Super Tuscans and GSM have been great wines. Of the two we tasted, the Tuscan was the biggest (although none were too big) but both were pretty well made.
My 2 centemes: I'd be up for either a GSM or Super Tusc this year, but I do especially like the idea of lots of Mourvedre, in a blend of Syrah & Grenache, with a bit of Cinsault (or even Carignane) if available. Some of the Bonny Doon Cigare Volants have added the latter two to their Rhône-style cuvées.

Chris also relayed a handy wine & chees pairing guide link.
Frank opined that the best wine and cheese pairing is more wine.

Lastly, Mike Dikas, a tennis friend and inventor from San Carlos, has been working the past couple of years on making the world safe for in-glass wine aeration. Swerl is his latest development. He's made a number of refinements from the original prototype and has an active kickstarter campaign going with a lot of product incentives. Give it a look: http://kck.st/1l8GD5X

Thursday, July 17, 2014

This Year's Label (Draft)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wine Bottling Date: Friday, July 25th @ 8PM

It's official: the long-awaited bottling of the 2013 Rick's Red (75% Syrah/25% Primativo blend) has been scheduled for 8PM Friday night, July 25th. Hopefully, this date & time will work with everyone, as usual the scheduling process was not at all smooth, and I literally had to go and find an open time in the schedule book after the emails and voicemails met with silencia. A MeetingWizard email will go out shortly to confirm RSVPs.

Similar to our memorable "Bud's White" 2005 blend, this year's wine is dedicated to founding RSWC members Rick (& Barb) Urrutia and will feature Rick's smiling mug on the label. There's been interest in collecting additional money or donating a bottle from each case to Barb. With the addition of the Redwood Shores Tennis Club wanting a case and interest from tennis-playing PCC member and noted red wine aficionado Lisa McKenna (and, whether he is aware of it or not, her good husband "Pedal Steel" Bill), availability is looking pretty tight.
Action time (crunch time before crush time): If you have not sent in checks for this special vintage, please do so now ($185 per case). We have to settle the account before bottling, so please take care of this straight away. Thanks so far to Evelyn, Kathy, Jay & Irene and Paul & Anette. In addition to mailing a check, you can also do a PayPal "Family & Friend" transfer if you are so inclined.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Whosh! Pow! Blam! It is Almost Bottling Time!

It is said that time waits for no one. And certainly not for us here on the front lines of the DIY wine movement. The 2013 crush of 75% Primitivo and 25% Dominick's Syrah, which we designated "Rick's Red" in honor of original (2004) RSWC founding member Rick Urrutia, has been "barreling" towards a summer (July) bottling.

However, the administration this year has failed to keep up with the wine-making (mea culpa), and the racking schedule has not been very convenient for socializing. In fact, at this late date, we don't know who gets what, so to rectify this situation, here's the handy form link with one multiple-choice question: http://tinyurl.com/RSWC-ricks-red. Please respond as soon as you can and then send a check for the amount you're in for. 

Rick tipping his infamous raccoon top hat.