Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wine Press Confirmed: Tuesday, November 2nd at 6PM

We are scheduled for a pretty convenient night if you watch the Giants. Be sure to vote as it is election day (if you need reasons to vote Hell No! on Props 23 & 26, let me know) and then get ready for some serious juicing: we will do one barrel after the other.

A couple o' pointers for the rookies: (1) wear clothes you won't mind getting wine spilled on and (2) wear comfortable shoes to counteract the concrete slab floor.

Wine pressing is, like pretty much every thing we seem to do, pretty thirsty work, so bring a bottle of something interesting (white & rosé work, too) paired with a bottle of water, con gas or non. And since us wine workers sure like to eat, consider upholding the fine picnic dining tradition by bringing simple hearty peasant fare that will be easy to eat.

Look forward to seeing you all Tuesday night. Go Gigundas!


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