Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The (Super Tuscan Supper) Press Is On!

Hello all. The Super Tuscan Supper press, part deux of the four part process, is on for 7:00 this Thursday. We have a good turnout so far, but not everyone has responded.

As the title indicated, this event cuts into dinner time, so we recommended upholding ancient OFWC (Our Fair Wine Club) traditions by bringing a hearty wine worker bite or two, a bottle of something interesting (water's good, too), and your best winepressing 'tude. Remember, you will encounter some sticky floors and the occasional spill, so no ball gowns this time.

If you haven't sent in your check for 2007, now's the time. Make it out to me (Dennis Murphy) for $167 per case (+ any tips) and bring it with you on Thursday. If you cannot attend, you can mail to me at 2102 Harding Avenue, RC, CA 94062. Hopefully, you know who you are. I'll check the records as well.

Toodle pip,


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